Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One More Thing....

This is what Neal will be like as a father....and I beg anyone to disagree. Only, it will probably be about LOST instead of Star Wars.

Penny Arcade - The Breaking Point

When Neal's wife is expecting, they'll go as Pregnant Claire, and Charlie. Maybe Locke, depending on how quickly he can fashion a wooden crib.

Year 1 of the child's life: Neal's first Trick or Treat experience with child in tow will be him and his wife as Ben Linus' parents. That way the mom can be all dead looking and he can be drunk on Dharma beer.

Year 2: Jack, Kate, Aaron.

I wonder if we could find LOST characters through every age WITHOUT NEAL'S HELP. I bet he could name them age 0 - 25 before I could finish typing this blog post.


N. said...

I normally hate to leave comments on these posts, but I feel that I need to clarify (Claire?) a few things:
First off, at the time of Oceanic Flight 815's crash (Sept. 22, 2004), most of the pertinent characters were already over the age of 25, save Walt and still-in-womb baby Aaron. Matt and I have already discussed this fact, and he's of the belief that character's should be age-addressed by subsequent "flash-back" information, of which I'm happy to discuss at anytime, but not in the arena of cyberspace.
Secondly, yesterday (Oct. 16, 2008) marks 19 consecutive "LOST-less" weeks for us humble few, and while this burden has been sustainable in the past, I must relinquish that it has now taken a toll on me. I need to know about these new DHARMA stations.
Thirdly, if any of you said "fucking dorks" are interested, a new, thoroughly detailed (except for The Pearl location) map will be framed and available for viewing in my lovely bathroom, here at 2171.

N. said...

I normally hate to leave comments on these posts, but I feel that I need to clarify (Claire?) a few things:
First off, at the time of Oceanic Flight 815's crash (Sept. 22, 2004), most of the pertinent characters were already over the age of 25, save Walt and still-in-womb baby Aaron. Matt and I have already discussed this fact, and he's of the belief that character's should be age-addressed by subsequent "flash-back" information, of which I'm happy to discuss at anytime, but not in the arena of cyberspace.
Secondly, yesterday (Oct. 16, 2008) marks 19 consecutive "LOST-less" weeks for us humble few, and while this burden has been sustainable in the past, I must relinquish that it has now taken a toll on me. I need to know about these new DHARMA stations.
Thirdly, if any of you said "fucking dorks" are interested, a new, thoroughly detailed (except for The Pearl location) map will be framed and available for viewing in my lovely bathroom, here at 2171.

N. said...

Also, I'm a bit drunk; hence, the three comments.
To justify, there shouldn't be an apostrophe in the word "characters", and I should have prefaced that the "map" is an actual map on THE ISLAND.
This is why I don't write comments.

Unknown said...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Neal Russler. I rest my case.

CrimeSpree said...

try dealing with it for 2 years... fuck lost, it tore our family apart and drove me to canoodling with strange (some more than others) women.