Monday, October 27, 2008

Jack-Off 2008

Yes, its that time of year again, and we all came together sunday for a day of celebrating one of our favorite October pass-times: Jacking Off. That is, making Jack-O-Lanterns and talking shit about whose is the best, of course!

Congratulations to Tony Veronese for coming out the victor with his rendition of Slimer. I had too many photos to post so I decided to make a quick slideshow (and I mean QUICK, I didn't adjust these really or do more than put one song on a loop for the soundtrack, but its still pretty rad). 

Enjoy, be jealous, and know that the food was delicious. Never miss an Off, they're open invitation and might as well be national holidays as far as anyone at 2171 regularly is concerned. 

Total Running Time is about 6mins, so get comfortable. 


Silly Lady said...

I love Tony's "I'm serious" face...

CrimeSpree said...

as far as jacking off goes... i have no problem with that... anytime you can get a group of friends together and talk shit about one another is a perfect scenario for me to be in. although documentation via youtube on certain events is fucking amazing (i.e. porn documentation, murder, kittens being silly, racoons eating houses, and strip club visits) a pumpkin carving shindig is not one of those youtube worthy events. i appluad most photography if its good, but i will never endorse such blashpemy as using a kids bop rendition of wearwolves of london. you are a video editor, and a talented one at that... lets see more of that type shit. less 6 minute photo slideshows with busted ass tunes. - love spreemachine