Monday, September 29, 2008

Regarding Moonshine

In my most recent post, dear reader, you may have noticed my juvenile fumblings around different nicknames for moonshine. "Quicksilver" was used, as was the shameful "Wake-Up Juice" (which, was stoled from Back To The Future III). My apologies. I'm not the word-smith I thought I was.
However, as is frequently the case, which is to say, "after the fact", I've stumbled upon several monikers for "the sauce" coined by Mr. John Hodgman, whose vocabulary and expertise in this field greatly overshadow my own.
Here, for a more worthwhile reading experience, I present to you his list of slang-terms for moonshine. Feel free to insert them into my previous, obsolete text as you see fit, for your enjoyment.
*Devil's Tears
*Sleepy Syrup
*Zip Sauce
*Hop Tallow
*Trance Juice
*Grain Guzzle
*Mystery Nip
*Irish Vinegar
*Brain Shellac
*Distillate of Dreamtime
*Jazz Chowder
*Fairy Pee
*Corn Cologne
*Washcloth Wringings
*Genuine Gin-Flavored Beverage
*The Sweet Tonic of Olde
*That Slippery Serum
*Near Beer
*Stutter Milk
*Juniper Jizz
*Stun Gravy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jazz Chowder has now become my new word for any adult beverage. Thank you Neal.

Also, music lovers, check out Jessica Lea Mayfield's "Kiss Me Again". Very bluegrassy, very very good.

Jazz Chowder